Thursday, October 31, 2019

Website Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Website Evaluation - Essay Example The website is basically an organizational web page about Dihydrogen Monoxide Research. Tom Way has the copyrights of this website. Tom Way did his Ph.D. from the University of Delaware and currently an associate Professor of Computer Science at Villanova University. He worked in the Hollywood film industry for 10 years and now he is among the board of directors of the software and Internet services company. It should be noted that the author has been credited for undertaking freelance software engineering. He is a professional magician, filmmaker, actor, writer, and marathon runner. Through a closer look at the details of the website as recommended by Boettcher (2014) for better understanding of content and learning, it comes to understanding that the content of the website contains different researches, information, and impacts of DHMO in everyday life. DHMO is an open website that welcomes all kinds of researches done on the same subject. This website got the last update on May 26th 2014.In case for contacting the director of the website, there is The links are been highlighted in the website for the information regarding DHMO is as follows: All these websites focus on the advantages and disadvantages of DHMO and gives knowledge about its impacts on environment and life. In some websites, it has been claimed that Hydrogen Monoxide is beneficial for human life and environmentally safe while in another claim, it is stated that Dihydrogen Monoxide is a dangerous one. Collectively, this website illustrates all the information of regarding DHMO in all the major aspects of life. This web page depicts vast knowledge about the Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) that is an odorless colorless chemical compound. DHMO the basic component in a lot of many explosive as well as poisonous compound including Sulfuric acid, Nitroglycerine and Ethyl Alcohol. The aim of this website is to provide all the possible knowledge

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Influence of Coalhouse Walker Essay Example for Free

The Influence of Coalhouse Walker Essay In literature, one character can impact the entire story and all of its characters. Such is the case with Coalhouse Walker Jr. in E.L. Doctrows Ragtime. His characterization provides insight into race relations in turn-of-the-century America. Many characters react strongly to his mannerisms, as they believe his social standing does not allow for such behavior. Because Coalhouse conducts himself with a sense of pride unusual of African Americans at this point in history, his view of how he should be treated repeatedly come into direct contradiction with others. He, then, represents all African Americans who oppose the expectations many whites have of them. Coalhouse Walker is the most essential character in Ragtime, because he deeply affects the plot and all other characters. Coalhouse most deeply influences Mothers Younger Brother, a young fundamentalist with little objective in life. However, when he joins Coalhouses group of revolutionaries, he feels as if his life contains purpose. This concept creates a dramatic, exalted self-awareness. Younger Brother was, at last, part of a community. However, Mothers Younger Brother ultimately meets his death while pledged in such an idealistic battle. He begins a new way of life, based on Coalhouses ideals, and encounters a rebirth of his soul. However, this new way of life conflicts with that of his parents; thus, he finds it necessary to depart from them and live his life independently. This is all under Coalhouses influence and guidance. Coalhouse Walker has a grave impact on Father and Mother. Initially, Mother is shocked that he does not act like other African-Americans, but more like a Caucasian gentleman. Father, stumped by Coalhouses proud behavior, concludes that he is not conscious of his racial inferiority. Mothers feelings towards her husband begin to deteriorate after this conversation. At a later point, when Coalhouse takes over the firehouse, Father, as usual putting business before family, rushes off to New York City, thus, leaving Mother to fall in love with Tateh. In Ragtime, by E.L. Doctrow, Coalhouse Walker Jr. is the most important character, as he ties together the treads of the novel. It is through Coalhouse that the three different societal groups, the immigrants, the  African-Americans, and the WASPs mingle and interact. Coalhouse also undergoes a rebirth, like Younger Brother, although his is much more dramatic and swift than Tatehs. Coalhouse goes from being a fine upstanding gentleman to a quintessential angry black male as he resorts to violence to resolve his feelings toward society.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Otherness and the Rhetoric of Imperialist Discourse :: Free Essays Online

Otherness and the Rhetoric of Imperialist Discourse Le yo vle touye yon chen, yo di’l fou. (When they want to kill a dog, they say it’s crazy.) ---Haitian Proverb When Elizabethan map makers came upon an area of the globe that was yet to be thoroughly explored by â€Å"western† civilization, they would give a rough estimate as to its shape and terrain, and then label it as Terra incognita, or â€Å"unknown land.† To help illustrate exactly how unknown this land was, images of demons and a variety of other monsters filled space usually inhabited by the names of cities, rivers and deserts. While the labeling itself could at first sight be dismissed as a simple acknowledgment of ignorance (as it certainly was,) an understanding of traditional cultural attitudes within imperialist countries provides us with the tools to see such language and imagery as highly representative of an ideology exemplified (though certainly not monopolized) by England during the period. What is so striking about terra incognita is not so much its name or the images it connects to nonwestern culture, but the fact that betrays even something as scientific and functional as a map to be a form of discourse deeply enmeshed in ideology. In a imperialist society, cultural discourse tends to seep into nearly every aspect of human communication and interaction, and is frequently characterized by an emphasis on separation, classification, and the idea of opposites. This seperative effect exploits differences in ideology, race, religion, tradition, clothing style, and language, among others, to create a images of â€Å"cultural oppositeness.† Such images are exactly the type that Edward Said describes in his book Orientalism. As Said puts it, orientalism â€Å"is a style of thought based upon ontological and epistemological distinction made between ‘the Orient’ and (most of the time) ‘the Occident.’†[1] These distinctions can be found in all colonial and imperialist societies, including those that benefit from modern day manifestations of such constructions. The effect of separating â€Å"first world† or â€Å"Occidental† culture from that found in countries outside the â€Å"Occident† is to create a general perception of the people practicing these cultures as â€Å"Others.† â€Å"Otherness† (a term frequently used in critiques of imperialist discourse,) is usually synonymous with poor, â€Å"third world,† or â€Å"pre industrialized,† and suggests many of the same remedies that have been prescribed to countries suffering from â€Å"otherness† and â€Å"Orientalism† for hundreds of years.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Death of a Modernist Salesman Essay -- Death Salesman essays

Death of a Modernist Salesman      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The modernist movement in writing was characterized by a lack of faith in the traditional ways of explaining life and its meaning.   Religion, nationalism, and family were no longer seen as being infallible.   For the modernist writers, a sense of security could no longer be found.   They could not find any meaning or order in the old ways.   Despair was a common reaction for them.   The dilemma they ran into was what to do with this knowledge.   Poet Robert Frost phrased their question best in his poem â€Å"The Oven Bird.†Ã‚   Frost’s narrator and the bird about which he is speaking both are wondering â€Å"what to make of a diminished thing† (Baym 1103).   The modernist writers attempted to mirror this despair and tried to superimpose meaning on it or find meaning in it.   The old frames of reference were no longer meaningful.   Newer ones had to be sought.   This belief gave them license to create new points of reference, which at least held some meaning for them, or to comment on the remains of the old.   These writers referred often to shattered illusions, feelings of alienation, and the fragmentation of the remains of tradition.   Although society was making technological advances, many of these writers felt that it was declining in other ways.   They saw this progression as being made at the expense of individuality and the individual’s sense of true self-worth. Arthur Miller’s writings are characteristic of this movement.   Miller is a playwright whose works reflect the major themes of modernism.   Death of a Salesman, which is perhaps his best-known piece, is a perfect example of this.   In it, he addresses the common modernist themes of alienation and loneliness through both his portrayal of society an... ...l.       Works Cited Baym, Franklin, Gottesman, Holland, et al., eds.   The Norton Anthology of American Literature.   4th ed.   New York: Norton, 1994. Corrigan, Robert W., ed. Arthur Miller.   Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1969. Costello, Donald P. â€Å"Arthur Miller’s Circles of Responsibility: A View From a Bridge and Beyond.† Modern Drama. 36 (1993): 443-453. Florio, Thomas A., ed. â€Å"Miller’s Tales.† The New Yorker.   70 (1994): 35-36. Hayashi, Tetsumaro.   Arthur Miller Criticism.   Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1969. Martin, Robert A., ed. Arthur Miller.   Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1982. Miller, Arthur.   The Archbishop’s Ceiling/The American Clock. New York: Grove Press,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1989. ---.   Death of a Salesman.   New York: Viking, 1965. ---.   Eight Plays.   New York:   Nelson Doubleday, 1981.      

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Can Art Change the Way We View the World

Can Art Change the Way We View the World? Susan Agee Classics in Philosophy of Art – P346 Gregory Steel Fall 2012 For centuries, art has been interwoven throughout the history of mankind. From primitive carvings on cave walls and ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, to the Sistine Chapel and the Mona Lisa, artistic creations have enthralled the human race. Art may be a window to the creator’s world; it has potential to instill desire in the viewer to do something they have never done, be somewhere they have never been and inspire to fulfill a dream or goal.Additionally, Art may possibly allow the artist to illustrate their own perception of a place or even attempt to deceive the viewer. However, to truly understand how we see the world we must delve a little deeper than the obvious, which is through our senses, particularly sight. In order to comprehend the world around us, we must first realize that thoughts are based on perception foremost and that those ideas then create a subjective model of the world, constructed from experience, memory, logical inference, and our brain's ability to map out its own internal representation of our individual surroundings.Therefore, whether it is through visual art, literature, poems, sculpture, photography or cinema, art may very well be able to change the way we see the world, by changing our perception. The first recognizable art dates from at least 38. 000BC in Europe, Africa, and Australia. They are the products of minds as intellectually capable and sophisticated as our modern ones and they were just like us, despite the fact that their society was slightly more primitive than ours. Works of this early period are not simple, as if created by a child, but in fact they are quite complex pieces depicting animals, humans and symbols.Additionally, drawings similar to maps, as well as carvings, portable art and elaborately decorated animal skulls have been found in caves all over the world. In the book The Mind in the Cave: Consciousness and the Origins of Art by David Lewis-Williams, the author describes these items stating â€Å"many of these pieces bear images of animal, fish, birds and, less commonly, what appear to be human figures as well as complex arrangements of parallel lines, chevrons and notches. These objects d’art as people tend to think of them, were made from bone, mammoth ivory, amber and antler† (Lewis-Williams 2004).Were these ancient artists creating images to simply communicate with others or were they expressing their emotions in the only way they knew how? Although there is no way to tell for certain the artists’ intentions, it is evident that this â€Å"art† played a role in prehistoric society. Still, art has not always had the same meaning as it does today. In fact, in the time of the philosophers Plato, Socrates and Aristotle the idea of art was related to the Latin word ars, which means craft or specialized form.These individuals based their views of art on the notion that the artist must be trained for his craft and each had differing, yet very similar ideas about art and its place in society. For instance, Socrates believed that paintings and poems â€Å"stand triply removed from the real; that is, there are two realms of existence more real than art objects, the Forms themselves and the things of daily life. The basis for this view is the assumption that the goal of art is the imitation of mundane reality† (Wartenberg, 13). Our brain has developed a way of viewing the world over millions of years of evolution that enables us to succeed and survive.Natural selection has tuned our brains so that we may navigate, manipulate, and meaningfully differentiate our environment and the objects contained in it. So what we see in our minds is a functional model of the physical world, which closely approximates it but is not identical to it; certainly not in the way we are in the habit of assuming. But still this traditio nal skepticism about perceptual experience has often created questions as to whether we can know that things are as we experience them as being, or if the visual world is a grand illusion.To illustrate this idea that perceptual experience may be different than what is real, consider the optical illusion. Artists such as Charles Allan Gilbert and M. C. Escher were masters of the craft of illusion in art. For example, in 1892 Charles Allan Gilbert drew a picture that he called â€Å"All is Vanity†. This piece of artwork is an ambiguous optical illusion using a skull, which has been the object of many pieces of this type, where we see more than one thing in the picture. If we view the overall image, we see a human skull. When we focus on the details of the picture, we see a woman ooking in her vanity mirror. If we look at a close-up, cropped image of â€Å"All is Vanity†, we don't see the skull we just see details of a woman sitting at her dressing table. However, if we e xpand our view, even without seeing the entire image, once we know we're going to see a skull, we can't help but see it. Also, when we look at the picture from a distance, because of all the black surrounding it, once the details of the woman get distorted we still only see a skull. Additionally, M. C. Escher used his expertise in mathematics to create his optical illusions in art.He was fascinated with tessellations, which are arrangements of closed shapes that completely cover the plane without overlapping and without leaving gaps. Typically, the shapes making up a tessellation are polygons or similar regular shapes, such as the square tiles often used on floors. Escher, however, was fascinated by every kind of tessellation – regular and irregular – and took special delight in what he called â€Å"metamorphoses,† in which the shapes changed and interacted with each other, and sometimes even broke free of the plane itself.The regular solids, known as polyhedra, held a special fascination for Escher. He made them the subject of many of his works and included them as secondary elements in a great many more. In the woodcut â€Å"Four Regular Solids† Escher has intersected all but one of the Platonic solids in such a way that their symmetries are aligned, and he has made them translucent so that each is discernible through the others. Additionally, among the most important of Escher's works from a mathematical point of view are those dealing with the nature of space. In the book â€Å"The Magic of M.C. Escher† J. I. Locher states â€Å" this unique interplay between insight and limitation, between possible and impossible worlds has given Escher’s body of work a wholly personal presence in the panorama of visual arts† (J. I. Locher 2000). His woodcut â€Å"Circle Limit III† is a good place to review these works, for it exemplifies the artist's concern with the dimensionality of space, and with the mind's abil ity to discern three-dimensionality in a two-dimensional representation and Escher often exploited this latter feature to achieve astonishing visual effects.To get a sense of what this space is like, one can imagine that he or she is actually in the picture itself. Walking from the center of the picture towards its edge, he/she would shrink just as the fishes in the picture do, so that to actually reach the edge one would have to walk a distance that, to the individual, seems infinite. Indeed, being inside this hyperbolic space, it would not be immediately obvious that anything was unusual about it – after all, one has to walk an infinite distance to get to the edge of ordinary Euclidean space too.However, if one is observant enough, he/she might begin to notice some odd things, such as that all similar triangles were the same size, and that no straight-sided figure we could draw would have four right angles; that is, this space doesn't have any squares or rectangles. In addi tion to ambiguous and mathematical illusions, there is a process known as anamorphosis. There are two types of anamorphosis: perspective or oblique and Mirror, or catoptric. It requires the viewer to use special devices or occupy a specific vantage point to recreate the image.While some of these works of art are more advanced than others, one thing remains constant; the perception of depth in a two-dimensional illustration. With mirror anamorphosis, a conical or cylindrical mirror is placed on the drawing or painting to transform a flat distorted image into a three dimensional picture that can be viewed from many angles. The deformed image is painted on a plane surface surrounding the mirror. By looking uniquely into the mirror, the image appears as it should in natural form.Just as Escher and Gilbert were masters in creating works of illusion with their drawings, so too are the artists that give life to their renditions of this type. Salvador Dali was among many other artists of hi s time to have been intrigued with this form of art and utilized this technique in many of his paintings. Modern day artists of this sort use sidewalks, underpasses, buildings and pavement as their canvases. This type of art is referred to as â€Å"3D art† and it has been seen everywhere from London to New York.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

federal emergency relief act essays

federal emergency relief act essays President Roosevelt wanted to give more to the people when he was in office than Hoover did when he was in office. He chose a man named Harry L. Hopkins to help him in succeeding. The goal and purpose of the FERA was to have all of the unemployed be employed again or for the first time. Hopkins was a forty-three-year-old social worker whose colorful, outgoing personality made him very known to the people and press. When congress created the FERA, to help the people, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation provided five hundred million dollars. When the project was underway Roosevelt asked Hopkins to come to Washington to run it. On Hopkins first day of his job, May 22, 1933, before he had an office, he sat out in the hallway and handed out work relief forms. Also, by the end of Hopkins first day on he had pleased himself and several states with grants adding up to about five million dollars. From then on, Hopkins spent the money blindly. The law required that each state set up a lo cal FERA office and raise money through taxes, bond issues, borrowing or any thing else to raise money. Some states like Ohio, and West Virginia refused to make those allegations. Even thought this all happened Hopkins was very committed to satisfying people, he would get comments like I have a suggestion that will benefit the people- in the long run Hopkins would come back with the comment people dont eat in the long run- the eat everyday. A lot of people wanted to work, and were willing to anything just for money to call their own. Its very hard for me to ask for help, said one. I dont want charity. I want work- any kind of work. Ill do work or anything... ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

A New Mandate for HR-An Analysis

A New Mandate for HR-An Analysis Review of “A New Mandate for Human Resources” by Dave Ulrich In the article the writer had expressed his concern on underestimating role of Human resources Department in an organizational set up. The role of HR manager has confined to paper work related to recruitment and termination of employees, compensation and incentives, impart training to employees and design of developmental programmes etc. The HR Manager is responsible for implementation of policies made by CEOs or line Managers.David Ulrich has emphasized that the role of HR should be organizational excellence rather than focusing on fundamental HR issues only.HR has to take the lead to enable organizations survive in globalized era, to sustain revenue growth, to harness technological advances, to protect intellectual property and keep pace with changing business environment.In global competitive economy, managers are required to be aware of entire global market scenario, political uncertainties, trade issues, fluctu ating exchange rates and customer preferences.Revenue growth by way of lay- offs, cost cuts and merger acquisitions has become new mantra for organizations. He feels rather companies should focus on creativity and innovation. The employees should be encouraged to share learning and honing their skills for achieving required revenue growth.The geographical distance has been bridged by technological advances. In the era of technological revolution employees had to learn how to exploit technology for organizational goal.In the changing scenario companies, who can attract, retain and develop best talent will lead the world. Companies have to keep on shifting gears to beat competition, has to take rapid decisions and invent new ways of doing work.He affirmed that HR can deliver excellence by being partner with the senior management in the strategy execution of organization. HR can help in reducing cost of organization by work organization, delivering administrative efficiency with...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Strategic Planning vs Strategic Intent Essays

Strategic Planning vs Strategic Intent Essays Strategic Planning vs Strategic Intent Essay Strategic Planning vs Strategic Intent Essay What is a Strategic Planning? It is a well written mission statement for any organization which drives its business towards its goals be it profits, standards, market value, customer satisfaction? Can the plan be flexible or adaptable as many of you have discussed here? I believe that every organization need to follow the strategic intent in todays ever changing world. There are some factors that can be predictable but many factors are not. An organization, in order to succeed need to have a vision, set goals based on that vision, make a planned path to achieve it, have enough flexibility for unforeseen changes in the environment, adapt to these changes, adjust their paths if and when needed and keep moving towards the goal. Can any organization make a centralized set Strategic Planning and expecting each of its business units to follow and succeed? I think it is quite impossible to follow it in the Hospitality industry. Our industry being a very dynamic industry which is affected by so many unpredictable changes, viz. location, general economy, political/ civil unrest, weather, festivals, sporting events, global focus, air lifts, communication media, marketing, publicity etc. etc. ; that if a full circle strategic intent is not put in place, then organization should expect failure. To answer to the first question I do agree with Mintzbergs assertion that strategic planning can actually hamper an organization unless th e plan has left a HUGE room for flexibility and adaptility, but then is it really a well written plan then? To give a simple example of our resort, we are based in a relatively remote exotic island with a great data base of repeat guests. We were running smoothly until a major factor became a hindrance – the Airlift. American Airlines cut down on many flights coming to the region as part of their strategies and are further reducing flights. Did our plans include this huge change – no? We had to adapt, learn and adjust. If we were following a strategic plan based on linear analysis and results, we were set for a failure.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Art in general Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Art in general - Essay Example The cave paintings and drawings of the ancient civilisations and the various forms of artefacts that have been dug out from the ruins of ancient civilisations, are very good examples of this. These show very good proof that; even the people from those days were interested in art and its various forms. As per the varieties of art almost all the fields ranging from paintings to the areas of literature and music, are all considered to fall under the category of art. Indeed to the practicing artist and the sculptors or any individual who indulges in the creation of art and its various forms, it is a wonderful medium to express what is hidden within them. Hence art is considered by the experts, as the one which stimulates the inner feelings and brings out the hidden emotions, of both its creator and also its onlookers. For many art is a form of happiness and pleasure, that takes them to an imaginative field, where they are free from all worldly troubles. Because of this many people who ca nnot create forms of art but appreciate art, tend to buy pieces of art for their homes and work places. In today’s world because of this trend, buying works of art have become a very lucrative and serious business. The artists, painters and sculptors stand to benefit from this growing trend of art business, which enables them to make a living and some of them even reap millions. Art in recent years have become very good medium for investment. The paintings and sculptures, which are produced by the great masters, are today auctioned at the various auction houses spread across the world, for billions of dollars. Through the business of art, people are now indeed making a fortune. People who indulge in any form of art are considered to be highly talented, since they give freedom and form to their hidden energies. It is for this reason that, almost any person who indulges in any form of art is considered in high esteem by the public. Experts believe that almost all the human bein gs have the talent to create art forms. But it is only the individuals who put in efforts to bring out their creativity, who are able to express the art forms in reality. The practice of art is in itself a very time consuming process and in most cases it is through years of dedication, which makes individuals to become true masters of the art forms, they practice. For this very reason, most of the individuals in today’s world find art as a mere wastage of time, energy and money. But this very thought is not correct, since it helps an individual to master the inner self, through the medium of art. In today’s fast paced life indulgence in art is very important as per many experts, since they believe that, it helps the people to relax and help them to take a break from the vagaries of modern life. This is the main reason that, most of the schools and colleges in the world today make it a point to conduct classes and sessions of art for the students, so as to make them awa re regarding the world of art. It is through such initiation that, many highly talented artists take roots by understanding its hidden secrets. Thus such students get exposed to the art field and they become drawn to the medium of art. Among them many become art teachers and dedicate themselves to teaching the various art forms, to the future generations. Art has indeed

Friday, October 18, 2019

Confederate Government Complicity in the Assassination of Abraham Research Proposal

Confederate Government Complicity in the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln - Research Proposal Example Among the authors who have substantively dealt with this issue is William Hanchet who states that like in any crime where the perpetrator is not appropriately tried or punished, there are a lot of conspiracy theories that came forth concerning the murder of Lincoln.3 Fingers have been pointed at the Vatican, the confederate Government and Lincoln’s own cabinet on the issue of the murder4. In analyzing the issues surrounding such a historical event, it is important to state what the known facts are before delving into the unknown. The assassination United States President Abraham Lincoln was carried out on the 14th of April, 1865, by John Wilkes Booth who was a renowned actor at the time. This was the first in a subsequent long list of assassinations of United States Presidents. On the fateful day, Lincoln was seated inside the presidential booth at the Ford’s Theatre in Washington watching a play Our American Cousin. With him in the box was his wife Mary who witnessed t he assassination. Booth sneaked into the box and shot the president from behind. He subsequently made good his escape even though he was challenged and nearly captured by Major Henry Rathbone who was in the President’s party to the show5. ... In fact, he shouted in Latin â€Å"Sic semper tyrannis!† which was the motto of the Virginia state that meant: Thus always to tyrants. However, the entire plan that booth and his two associates Lewis Powell and George Atzerodt did not materialize after the latter two failed to assassinate Secretary of State William Seward and Vice President Andrew Johnson respectively. Powell managed to wound Seward but Atzerodt totally freaked out of the plan6. The purpose of this research is to find out to which extent if at all the Confederates were responsible for the plan to assassinate President Lincoln. The Hypothesis here is that the assassination of Lincoln was solely the work individual extremist fanatics inspired by the lost Confederate cause. Background By April 1865, the Civil War was nearing a historic crossroads. With the surrender of Lee’s badly mauled army, a rising chorus of voices from inside and outside of Confederate government called for a radical change of tactics . Members of President Jefferson Davis’ cabinet and a core group of army officers proposed a guerilla campaign, to be based in the wilds of western Virginia. Others favored a direct strike at the heart of the federal government, a bold and destabilizing gesture aimed at bringing the Union to its knees in on stroke.To that end, the Confederate government conceived a plan to kidnap Abraham Lincoln to force the Union to free Confederate prisoners of war. This scheme never came to fruition but does call into question whether, and to what extent, the Confederate administration may have been involved in Lincoln’s assassination.7 To be sure, Davis and key members of his government had conceived of, and funded, an initiative aimed at striking the Union beyond the battlefield, an initiative that

Argumentative paper on why Gun Control law should stay the way it is Essay

Argumentative paper on why Gun Control law should stay the way it is - Essay Example Many may argue that this will lead to an increase in the occurrence of such cases but on the contrary, if the students are taught how to handle the arms such as guns responsibly, they ought to access and carry them for their safety (Valdez, Angela & Ferguson 2012). This means that if students are allowed to own and carry their guns to their respective campuses, they will feel secure and comfortably learn. Another rampant case is that of sexual harassment (Bjorklund & Ruth 2013). This does not happen to the female gender only but also the male gender. When an individual fall a victim to such a case, it becomes easier to defend one-self when having a gun and also the know-how to handle it without basically killing the attacker. A student who has a gun, when he or she is attacked can put minor injuries on the attacker so as to scare him or her away. By doing this, students will be able to protect themselves against murder and any other illicit

Thursday, October 17, 2019

How Will Astronomy Archives Survive the Data Tsunami Case Study - 1

How Will Astronomy Archives Survive the Data Tsunami - Case Study Example Optimization techniques fail to create an efficient programmable dynamic query in case of astronomical data as data is present in bulk and is not usually centrally located. The disparate sources of data induce issue of network and bandwidth as well. When large chunks of data will be downloaded from disparate sources performance will be impacted as connections need to be established and maintained. Data is divided into different sources by a set criteria. This could be arranged date wise or could be based on specific type. The criteria even if incorporated in queries may not help much as the search that runs in dataset is time consuming. If data does not exist in data set time is required to load data from archives and search becomes intensive. There are various techniques used to provide better response times in such scenarios but the ever increasing data of astronomy that is stored in the database requires some special technique for data mining, machine learning and then update in t he systems (McLeod & Schell,  2007, p.  145). The requests made for specific data can be optimized by saving results of frequent query. Emerging researches will always produce new datasets which will take standard time. The infrastructure of archival data can be improved however the budget constraint of astronomical research hinders them from such an upgrade at the moment. Incompetent Archival Techniques: Modern day data is stored in a special environment that provides virtual drives hosted by third parties. This allows users to store data from different places online. This technology uses a web service that connects the client with the third party host systems. The customer has to depend on the reliability of the hosting party to provide reliability and security. In order to make systems available on cloud the whole time, third parties usually create redundant data on different virtual machines. If one machine is made unavailable due to a fault or network issue, other machines having the same data will be made available instantly. The astronomical data can be set on cloud to make it readily available. However, cloud computing has its own challenges as well. Such challenges include vulnerability of data attacks as the cloud is shared through a network and makes the data available through internet. The second issue is that of the third party supplier stability. The companies might lose down or merge with other companies resulting is partial or complete loss of data or other similar issues hence decreasing reliability of data on the cloud. There are a number of reasons why such a situation can arise. A supplier can go bankrupt, be bought by other large companies, it may expand and change the direction and interest of their business etc. Performance is again an issue in cloud as it is dependent on the available network bandwidth. Availability is impacted if a software failure occurs, network has a bottleneck or if a hardware fails. The last concern is cost of hosting a cloud platform. The budget constraints for an astronomical foundation may not allocate sufficient finances to meet the target of moving astronomical data on cloud. Emerging Technologies: The technologies currently in practice involve applying indexes on databases. These indexes are stored outside the database and increases the data access or recovery time. This does need advancement to a Peta byte level data management though. It is a challenge today to make efficient algorithms

LensCrafters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

LensCrafters - Essay Example riendly service should never be discounted as efforts to specifically address consumers gives them a sense of power as they enter into a room ready to serve them. The lessons learned from Lenscrafteres’ are to differentiate, provide high levels of service, and to be convenient without sacrificing quality. The strategy that is used by Lenscrafter in order to compete in the eyewear market is high levels of service. Service is made a visible entity as the customer can watch as their eyeglasses are being made. The service that is provided is intended to be completed within an hour, making it a convenient process which leads to the second characteristic. The second characteristic that defines the competitive priorities for Lenscrafters’ is that of convenience. Where most eyewear operations require several days to order and then receive the glasses that a customer has ordered, the Lenscrafters’ model is based on a fast turnaround that provide the consumer with their product within the same shopping experience. The average turnaround time is one hour (Collier & Evans, 2010). The final characteristic explored here is that of quality. Quality is the lynchpin characteristic of the development of the competitive advantages that Lenscrafters’ holds. Everything from the design of the store to the view of the workers in the lab promotes the idea of quality. Although service and convenience are the basis on which the store operates, it is through quality that they create relationships with consumers, outdistancing the competition by crating high quality eyewear in a short period of time with a high level of service. The service delivery system design is structured through the development of the store locations. The store locations use a number of different design features in order to facilitate the best possible experience for the consumer. The first element of the design is that it is created in order to evoke a high level of professionalism. The display of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How Will Astronomy Archives Survive the Data Tsunami Case Study - 1

How Will Astronomy Archives Survive the Data Tsunami - Case Study Example Optimization techniques fail to create an efficient programmable dynamic query in case of astronomical data as data is present in bulk and is not usually centrally located. The disparate sources of data induce issue of network and bandwidth as well. When large chunks of data will be downloaded from disparate sources performance will be impacted as connections need to be established and maintained. Data is divided into different sources by a set criteria. This could be arranged date wise or could be based on specific type. The criteria even if incorporated in queries may not help much as the search that runs in dataset is time consuming. If data does not exist in data set time is required to load data from archives and search becomes intensive. There are various techniques used to provide better response times in such scenarios but the ever increasing data of astronomy that is stored in the database requires some special technique for data mining, machine learning and then update in t he systems (McLeod & Schell,  2007, p.  145). The requests made for specific data can be optimized by saving results of frequent query. Emerging researches will always produce new datasets which will take standard time. The infrastructure of archival data can be improved however the budget constraint of astronomical research hinders them from such an upgrade at the moment. Incompetent Archival Techniques: Modern day data is stored in a special environment that provides virtual drives hosted by third parties. This allows users to store data from different places online. This technology uses a web service that connects the client with the third party host systems. The customer has to depend on the reliability of the hosting party to provide reliability and security. In order to make systems available on cloud the whole time, third parties usually create redundant data on different virtual machines. If one machine is made unavailable due to a fault or network issue, other machines having the same data will be made available instantly. The astronomical data can be set on cloud to make it readily available. However, cloud computing has its own challenges as well. Such challenges include vulnerability of data attacks as the cloud is shared through a network and makes the data available through internet. The second issue is that of the third party supplier stability. The companies might lose down or merge with other companies resulting is partial or complete loss of data or other similar issues hence decreasing reliability of data on the cloud. There are a number of reasons why such a situation can arise. A supplier can go bankrupt, be bought by other large companies, it may expand and change the direction and interest of their business etc. Performance is again an issue in cloud as it is dependent on the available network bandwidth. Availability is impacted if a software failure occurs, network has a bottleneck or if a hardware fails. The last concern is cost of hosting a cloud platform. The budget constraints for an astronomical foundation may not allocate sufficient finances to meet the target of moving astronomical data on cloud. Emerging Technologies: The technologies currently in practice involve applying indexes on databases. These indexes are stored outside the database and increases the data access or recovery time. This does need advancement to a Peta byte level data management though. It is a challenge today to make efficient algorithms

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18

Leadership - Essay Example The first and foremost way in which the Japanese nation is helping the government is by acting normally. They take disaster as a destined event, and maintain a realistic approach towards perceiving and reacting towards it. Earthquake happened, but people maintained their regular life style. They went to work, so that systems keep functioning in the routinely fashion, and the government may be facilitated in assisting the nation. Along with the whole nation, the government is displaying excellent leadership skills. Japanese government is using all resources and leadership skills to help improve the conditions that have resulted from the recent disaster. Leadership skills require rational decision making at the right time to cope with the difficulties. Government is constantly working to provide the population with safety. The government had moved disaster management teams right from the instant the incident took place. Affected people have been provided with food and shelter, and are being compensated in order to improve their

Is Solitary Confinement Torture Essay Example for Free

Is Solitary Confinement Torture Essay Solitary Confinement is the act of placing a prisoner in a small cell, usually the size of your average bathroom, for up to 23 hours a day with one hour reserved for physical activity. The only contact the prisoner is allowed to have with the outside world is through letters. It sounds horrible, but is it torture? To answer this we have to define and set up criteria for something to be considered â€Å"torture†. I have created such a definition and criteria and have decided that for something to be considered torture it must (a) cause some sort of physical or mental pain or discomfort, and (b) must have some sort of lasting effect upon the victim. Solitary confinement is torture because it causes mental anguish and often leaves prisoners with mental illness and other mental problems that stay with them long after their prison term is over. First we have to see if solitary confinement does in fact cause some sort of physical or mental pain or discomfort. According to a Dr. Stuart Grassian, there is a specific syndrome that is persistent among solitary confinement inmates with very real and very dramatic effects. Hyperresponsivity to external stimuli, meaning the inmate becomes increasingly sensitive to sounds, movements, etc. is one of the symptoms. You get sensitive to noise the plumbing system. Someone in the tier above me pushes the button on the faucet. Its too loud, gets on your nerves. I cant stand it. I start to holler. (qtd. in Grassian 3). Other symptoms include perceptual distortions, illusions and hallucinations, panic attacks, difficulties with thinking, concentration and memory, intrusive obsessional thoughts, overt paranoia, and problems with impulse control. Grassian 3-4) If solitary confinement truly was torture, it would also need to have some sort of lasting effect on the victims. Since solitary confinement does not cause physical harm, there are no long term physical effects. However, solitary confinement causes severe psychological anguish, and results in long term effects. The studying of P. O. W. camp veterans shows that the short term effects of the Delirium-like state regress with time, but long term effects begin to surface and become noticeable. Dr.  Stuart Grassian says about long term effects of solitary confinement that â€Å"These not only include persistent symptoms of post traumatic stress (such as flashbacks, chronic hyper vigilance, and a pervasive sense of hopelessness), but also lasting personality changes especially including a continuing pattern of intolerance of social interaction, leaving the individual socially impoverished and withdrawn, subtly angry and fearful when forced into social interaction. † (13) He found an identical pattern of change in inmates that went through long periods of solitary confinement years ago (Grassian 13). For something to be considered torture it has to meet two criteria. It must (a) cause some sort of physical or mental pain or discomfort, and (b) must have some sort of lasting effect upon the victim. Solitary confinement clearly causes mental pain and discomfort. The psychological effects are so severe that they even cause inmates to physically mutilate themselves without even being aware of their actions or being able to control themselves. I cut my wrists many times in isolation. Now it seems crazy. But every time I did it, I wasnt thinking lost control cut myself without knowing what I was doing. (qtd. in Grassian 4). Solitary confinement meets the first part of the criteria in that it causes mental pain and also indirectly causes physical pain. Solitary confinement also has a lasting effect on the victim. Since solitary confinement meets the criteria for something to be considered torture, it is, in fact, torture. The Unites States constitution protects from cruel and unusual punishment, but solitary confinement is a practice implemented in prisons every day. Since it is torture, and undoubtedly cruel and unusual punishment, it should be stopped. There are more constructive and humane ways to discipline criminals no matter how severe their crime than solitary confinement. If out prison systems have to resort to torturing its prisoners and calling it discipline then there’s a problem. The prison systems in the United States are in serious need or a reform, and outlawing solitary confinement is the first step that needs to be taken.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Aristotles Theory of the Ideal State

Aristotles Theory of the Ideal State ARISTOTLE AND HIS IDEAL STATE   (384 BC 322 BC) NAME : SHAMIKA S. TAMHANE Aristotle is one such unique philosopher, who has made contributions to innumerable fields like that of physics, biology, mathematics, metaphysics, medicines, theatre, dance and of course politics. Aristotle is known as ‘Father of Political Science’. ‘Polis’ is ‘city-state’ in Greek. From this, he coined term ‘Politics’. He is one of the most celebrated political thinkers as he was the first philosopher who detached philosophy from political science and carved out the latter as an independent discipline. He introduced a systematic study of politics and stated that politics may be devoid of ethics. Aristotle was born in 384 BC in the Greek town of Stagira. His father, Nicomachus was a physician in the court of Macedonia. Both his parents are known to have died when Aristotle was young. At the age of 17, Aristotle’s sister’s husband, who was his guardian, sent him to Athens for higher education in Plato’s academy. Aristotle proved to be an exemplary scholar and was a close disciple of Plato. Plato died in 347 BC. However, despite being one of the closest disciples of Plato, Aristotle did not become the head of the academy as he had some major differences with respect to Plato’s theory. Aristotle stayed in the academy for about 2 decades. After a few years of Plato’s death, he left Athens and returned to Macedonia in 338 BC. There he taught Alexander the Great and the Macedonia court rewarded him generously for his services. In 335 BC, Alexander succeeded his father, Phillip II and conquered Athens. Aristotle too returned to Athens and started h is own academy called the Lyceum. Aristotle spent most of his time writing, researching and teaching at his academy. In 323 BC, Alexander died and the people of Athens revolted against the Macedonian rule. Being Alexander’s teacher and having had connections with the ruling family of Macedonia, posed a threat to his life in Athens where anti-Macedonian sentiment was at its peak. In order to save himself from prosecution, Aristotle left Athens and went to Chalcis on the island of Euboea. Aristotle breathed his last there in 322 BC. Aristotle experienced a lot of ups and downs in the political spectrum throughout his life like the fall of Sparta, the rise as well as the fall of Alexander the Great etc. All these happenings around him have affected him and it can be reflected in all his writings INTRODUCTION POPULATION AND TERRITORY As said in the introduction the first material or ingredient to form a perfect or an ideal state is population. The legislator has the power to determine the number and character of citizens and thus, the size and character of the country. According to Aristotle, â€Å"Most persons think that a state in order to be happy ought to be large; but even if they are right, they have no idea what is a large and what a small state. For they judge of the size of the city by the number of the inhabitants; whereas they ought to regard not their number, but their power.† (1) Hence, Aristotle was clearly of the opinion that the quality of the people which constitute the state matters, rather than their quantity. Thus, more than the physical size of the population, its character is important. Aristotle justifies this by giving the example of Hippocrates who was a great physician that he was great because of the quality of the work he did and is definitely greater than a man who is just phys ically taller than him. Also, even if we are to reckon the greatness of a state by the number of inhabitants, not everybody can be included in it, like the slaves and foreigners. Only the members of the state are to be included who form an essential part of it. A very populated state cannot be well governed, as it is difficult to maintain law and order. According to Aristotle , there is a limit to the size of the state just as there is a limit to the size of other things like plants and animals as if any of these are too small or large, they either completely lose their nature or get spoiled. Here he cites an example of a ship. A ship, if only a span long, cannot be a ship at all and the one which is a quarter mile long will still be a ship, but will be bad for sailing. Similarly, if a state is too small, it won’t be self-sufficient but if it is too big it would be incapable of having a government that is constitutional. Also, in an over-populated state, it is difficult to id entify foreigners who may take advantage of this situation and try and acquire the rights of the citizens. Hence, clearly the largest population should be the one which suffices for the purposes of life. The territory of the state should be all-producing, so that the state has all things to be in need of nothing, which is called sufficiency. It should enable the residents to live liberally so that they can enjoy leisure. The country should be suitable for receiving fruits and timber and also other products. The city should be situated in regard both to sea and land, so that it is protected on both the sides. Also, import and export can be facilitated through water transport. Aristotle has a very distinct manner of describing the character of the people of various parts of the world. According to him, people who live in regions with cold climate and in Europe are hard-working but lack intelligence and skill. This is the reason they have the opportunity to enjoy freedom but they have no political organization. On the other hand, the natives of Asia are intelligent but they lack spirit, hence they are always under some foreign rule and are constantly subjugated. However, according to Aristotle, the best is the Hellenic race which is situated between the two regions and has the best of both the regions, i.e. the spirit of the Europeans and the intelligence of the Asians. So this race is free from any foreign rule and is also well-governed. Aristotle states certain other things which an ideal state must have, such as food, arts, arms etc. It should have a good amount of revenue so that it can take care of its internal needs as well as protect itself from any external aggression. The state should also take care of the religion of the people so that they can practice their respective religion fearlessly. The last and the most important thing is that the authority in the state must have the power to decide what is good and in favor of the public. All these above mentioned things are necessarily to be provided for by the state administration as the state is not a mere aggregate of people but their union, who have come together to fulfill a common purpose of ‘well-being’. If any one of the above listed things is lacking in any particular state, then a state cannot be called absolutely self-sufficient. Then it is necessary to frame the structure of the state in such a manner that all the above functions are fulfi lled. For example, a state should have farmers to produce food, artists and artisans to promote art, soldiers to protect the boundaries of the state, the priests to carry out religious practices etc. Thus, it can be observed that Aristotle does not undermine the role of any person in formation of an ideal state and specifies the role that each citizen can play, for the sake of ‘good life’. Aristotle also states the ideal location of the state. In order to ensure good health of its citizens, a state should lie towards the east. States which are covered by the north wind have milder winter which is again, healthier. Hence, the state should be located such that it favors convenient administration as well, in situations of war. There should be abundant springs and fountains in the state and if there is a scarcity of the same, there should be reservoirs which can store water and provide for its citizens in a state of crisis. Aristotle lays great emphasis on providing pure water to the citizens of the state. According to him, of the five elements of nature, the ones which are responsible to keep a person healthy are water and air. He says that the arrangement of houses in the city should be irregular in some parts of the city, because if all the houses are laid systematically in a straight line and in a particular pattern, it would be easy for strangers to find their way thr ough every part of the town, which should not be the case. Hence, some parts should be systematic while some irregular and thus a balance between security and beauty of the state should be well maintained. HOUSEHOLDS, PROPERTY AND SLAVERY IN THE IDEAL STATE According to Aristotle, family is the most important and the primary social unit of the society. It is the first institution of society which trains a child in citizenship. Aristotle connects citizenship to a household because it teaches a person division of labor (economic, social and others) and gives him a sense of understanding of his responsibility towards his family as well as towards the society and the state. A family gives an individual, training for a civilized life. The household takes care of the basic requirements of an individual; be it materialistic, social, emotional or physical need of the person. Thus, a man who lives in a well-managed household has a sense of fulfillment and content will contribute to the good of the society and in turn, the state. Family, thus, is essential for the moral growth and development of an individual. A state is made up of many households and thus it is important for Aristotle, to study the arrangement of a household in an ideal state. A household is incomplete without slaves, opines Aristotle. There are three relations in a family which are important, that are, that of a husband and wife, the relation of a father and children and thirdly, that of master and slave. The man, husband and the father, rules over both his wife and children respectively, although the manner differs. The man is fitter by nature than the woman hence, the inequality in this relationship never ceases to exist. However, the father rules over his children in a royal and not in a constitutional manner as he does over his wife. With his children, there is a relation of both love and respect. With respect to the third relation, i.e. of master and slave, Aristotle says, â€Å"The master is only the master of the slave; he does not belong to him, whereas the slave is not only the slave of his master, but wholly b elongs to him.† (2). Thus, a slave by nature is a possession of his master, in spite of being a human being. Slaves are a part of property of the individual. Aristotle attaches a lot of important to possession of property because according to him, without property, one cannot cultivate values and virtues such as generosity, hospitality, giving alms to the poor and the needy, etc. Property is essential to have a good household. Private property is a source of pleasure as mostly men love money. It is an integral aspect of social economy. Lastly, he opines that possession of private property by individuals is in favor of the state as when people own property; they would not be worried for their subsistence and thus, can actively participate in the political process of the state. When there would be slaves in the house, the master will have a lot of leisure time and according to Aristotle, he who has leisure time can be involved in the formation of an ideal state. He says, â€Å" †¦those who are in a position which places them above toil have stewards who attend to their households, while they occupy themselves with philosophy or with politics.† (3) Slavery is justified by Aristotle on two grounds. Firstly, on natural grounds; he says that some people are born without any faculties. However, they have the physical ability to work. This cannot be blamed on human beings as nature has created some people with lesser mental abilities. It is nature which has created men unequal. Nature has differentiated in the bodies of masters and slaves, making one physically strong and the other, although physically weak, but suitable for political life. He says, slaves have no virtues as they do not own property and hence they are not fit to be citizens of the state. Thus, according to Aristotle, some people are born to be slaves. He compares slaves to tamed animals and says that both cater to their needs with the help of their bodies. Secondly, as said before, sl aves are an essential ‘instrument’ of a household. They symbolize prosperity of a particular family. Thus, Aristotle concludes by saying, â€Å"Thus it is clear that household management attends more to men than to the acquisition of inanimate things, and to human excellence more than to the excellence of property which we call wealth, and to the virtue of freemen more than to the virtue of slaves.† (4) He says that slave lacks any sort of deliberative faculty, a woman does have some but she has no authority and also the child has, but it’s not mature enough to harness them. CITIZENSHIP IN THE IDEAL STATE The criteria for citizenship in different forms of governments vary according to their nature. For example, a person who can be a citizen in a democratic setup may not be eligible to be a citizen of an oligarchy. However, here, it is better to consider and talk about the citizens of a democratic state, because this is the system in which citizens are acknowledged the most than in any other system of governance. According to Aristotle, the citizenship of a person of a particular state is not determined by his mere residence in that state, because a slave or a foreigner too are residents of the same state, but this does not give them the right of citizenship, for there are other criteria to determine the same. Also, the legal status of a person cannot be the criterion because even a foreigner can acquire a right to sue a resident of that state or can be sued by a resident, merely under some provisions of a treaty. Hence, just being under the jurisdiction of any particular state, according to Aristotle, cannot make one a citizen of that state. A person who is exiled from the state will cease to be a citizen of the state. A person, who has the authority to participate in the judicial administration of the state, is termed as a citizen of that state. He should be able to take part in the process of administration of justice and legislation as a member of the deliberative assembly which can enabl e him to be a citizen. Hence, it can be observed that all those people who are permitted to take part in the political process of that state, for example, casting a vote or contesting elections, and all those who are eligible to be the members of the executive or the legislative branch of the government can be termed as citizens. With respect to who ‘ought’ to be citizens, Aristotle opines that all those who are trained and are capable of becoming either the ruler or the ruled, ought to be citizens. Further, he says that all those people who have property and leisure can be citizens as a person devoid of possession of any property, does not need any security from the state. Thus he would not be interested in the affairs of the state, so he would not bother to work for the betterment of the state. Also, a person who does not have property lacks experience in management skills as he is not accustomed to managing any kind of property. Such a person, according to Aristotle, cannot be expected to actively participate in the political affairs of the state and thus, in turn cannot ‘manage’ the state. However, despite all these criteria, practically a citizen is one whose both parents have been citizens. Some say, two or more ancestors. This is the shortest and the most practical definition, but some raise an objection to this questioning, how their ancestors became citizens. But it can be said, if their ancestors participated in the governmental process, that had to be citizens. It is also difficult to determine those who become citizens after a revolution. Here, the doubt is not about who is a citizen, but it is about who ought to be a citizen. As it was mentioned previously, a citizen of a particular government might not be eligible to be a citizen of some other form of government. It is said that the one who has never learned to obey, can never be a good commander. Both are different, but a good citizen should have the capacity of both-he should be aware of governing like a free man and should know obedience like a free man. These are virtues of a good citizen. The next point in citizenship of ideal state is that whether a good man and a good citizen are the same. This is explained by Aristotle by citing the example of a sailor. Sailors perform different functions like those of rowers, pilots, look-out men etc. Because they all have different functions, their virtues too differ. However, they all are described by one common definition, because they all have the same goal of safety in navigation. Aristotle compares sailors to citizens. Just like the former, citizens too differ from one another, but ‘salvation of the community’ (5) is their common aspiration. In numerous forms of governments, no single virtue is a perfect virtue of a good citizen. But it is assumed that good man is one with a single perfect virtue. Thus, a good man may not necessarily be a good citizen and vice versa. The next point in citizenship is that can mechanics be termed as citizens. Aristotle admits that not all those who are necessary for the functioning of the ideal state can be deemed as citizens of that state. For example, children cannot be termed as citizens of the state even though they are an integral part of the state as they do not participate in any political process. Under some governments, mechanics and laborers will not be citizens while under other, they might be included. Aristotle opines that the best form of government will not accept mechanics, laborers who he names as servants of the community, as they do not hold virtues of good citizens.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Creating Financial Security for College Students/Graduates Essay

Creating Financial Security for College Students/Graduates   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the biggest problems facing students today, is the fact that there is no real financial security after earning a degree. Many students find that the little amount of financial aid available, is not satisfactory to provide a stable source of payment for tuition. This is exaggerated by an exorbitant cost of the ever rising education costs. The facts are, it is expensive to get a higher education, and there is little alternative to receiving a degree. Students who manage to finance their college education through government, or private loans, enter a whole new set of problems upon graduation. Student loans are difficult to pay back. Loans generally have high interest rates, and long term effects. Many graduates end up paying for loans decades after their commencement. To these unfortunates, retirement may have to be prolonged, and is still not assured to be stable, as well as payments on cars, houses, and other goods purchased. A call for action i s required among students to invest for the future. Many need the money that could be rewarded with a wise investment in the mutual fund market. There are many jobs today which require a college degree for consideration of employment. Some jobs require the skills obtained in earning a degree while others are attempting to "weed" out a number of job seekers. This increase in the number of jobs demanding degrees is causing more people to continue their education to a higher level. The law of demand states "other things remaining the same, the higher the price of a good, the smaller is the quantity demanded"(Parkin, 69). The good in this case is the job, whereas the price is the education or what it is going to take... ...ture. Now we have happy secure students that have one less thing to worry about. Works Cited Carnes, W. Stansbury, and Stephen D. Slifer. The Atlas of Economic Indicators. New York: HarperCollins Publishing, 1991. Dalton, John M. How the Stock Market Works. New York: New York Institution of Finance, 1993. Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Penguin Group, 1987. Lynch, Peter. One Up on Wall Street. New York: Penguin Group, 1989. Malkiel, Burton G. A Random Walk Down Wall Street. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1990. Parkin, Michael. Microeconomics. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1996. Schwager, Jack D. The New Market Wizards. New York: HarperCollins Publishing, 1992. Train, John. The Money Masters. New York: Harper & Row, 1980. Train, John. The New Money Masters. New York: HarperCollins Publishing, 1989.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

consumer driven economy :: essays research papers

A Consumer Driven Economy In the past, marketing has been based on a stimulus and response method, where marketers would send out stimuli in the form of advertising and promotions to receive a specific response in the consumer’s behavior. Today, marketers have discovered an alternative way to communicate with their consumers called sense-and-respond. A sense-and-respond model is where advertisers sense what consumers are saying they want, through their behavior, and the marketers respond as promptly and as efficiently as possible.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This new trend is giving the consumer control over the decisions that until now, the corporations made for them. This impacts many aspects of business- from the items the retailers decide to stock, how the merchandise is categorized, the delivery, and the consumers even have more control over the development of new products. Putting the consumer in control could save a company a lot of money, while keeping the consumer satisfied with the product. Many popular companies are now practicing sense-and-respond when it comes to running their business. Wal-Mart uses the Internet to allow their suppliers to access data about their daily sales. While doing this they are not only helping their suppliers, but they are also avoiding overstocking their stores; hence they only buy what they know they will sell. Companies such as Dell that mass customize their product for the consumer are also practicing sense–and-respond. While giving the consumer complete control over what they want in their product, Dell avoids wasting stock that cannot be sold to the consumer. Being a consumer, I am personally thrilled to see this change in the retailer-consumer relationship. I was never aware of the losses that businesses suffered when their products did not sell to their expectations, understanding what the consumer desires will greatly improve this condition of waste.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Case Study Geog

Case study: Chances Peak, Montserrat, 1995-97 – an LEDC Plymouth covered in ash from volcanic eruptions on Montserrat Montserrat is a small island in the Caribbean. There is a volcanic area located in the south of the island, called Soufriere Hills. The volcanic peak in this area is called Chances Peak, which had been  dormantdormant:  A volcano is classed as dormant when it is temporarily inactive but not fully extinct. for over 300 years. Then in 1995, the volcano began to give off  warning signs  of an eruption (small earthquakes and eruptions of dust and ash).Once Chances Peak had  woken up  it then remained active for a period of five years. The most intense eruptions occurred in 1997. During this time, Montserrat was devastated by  pyroclastic flowspyroclastic flow:  A pyroclastic flow is a very hot mixture of volcanic debris that flows downhill at high speeds.. The small population of the island (11,000 people) was  evacuated[evacuated:  removed or s ent away  ]  in 1995 to the north of Montserrat as well as to neighbouring islands and the UK. Despite the evacuations, 19 people were killed by the eruptions.This is because a small group of people chose to stay behind on the island and watch over their crops. Volcanic eruptions and  laharslahars:  A lahar is a destructive volcanic landslide or mudflow, consisting of a mixture of volcanic debris, mud, rock and water. have destroyed large areas of Montserrat. The capital, Plymouth, has been covered in layers of ash and mud. Homes and buildings including the only hospital, the airport and many roads have been destroyed. The graphic shows the progress of the eruption and its impact on the island. Montserrat – eruption progress and impactShort-term responses These include evacuation, money for compensation and redevelopment from the British government, unemployment due to the collapse of the tourist industry, and abandonment of the capital city. Long-term responses These include a volcanic observatory to monitor the volcano, the building of new roads and a new airport, an expansion of services in the north of the island, an exclusion zone in the volcanic region, and a growth in tourism based on the presence of the volcano. Volcanic activity has calmed down in recent years and people have begun to return to the island.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Real Estate Data

68. Refer to the Real Estate data, which reports information on homes sold in the Phoenix, Arizona, area last year. a. Select the variable selling price. 1. Find the mean, median, and the standard deviation. 2. Write a brief summary of the distribution of selling prices. b. Select the variable referring to the area of the home in square feet. 1. Find the mean, median, and the standard deviation. 2. Write a brief summary of the distribution of the area of homes. Price| Bedrooms| Size| Pool| Distance| Twnship| Garage| Baths| 263. 1| 4| 2300| 1| 17| 5| 1| 2| 182. | 4| 2100| 0| 19| 4| 0| 2| 242. 1| 3| 2300| 0| 12| 3| 0| 2| 213. 6| 2| 2200| 0| 16| 2| 0| 2. 5| 139. 9| 2| 2100| 0| 28| 1| 0| 1. 5| 245. 4| 2| 2100| 1| 12| 1| 1| 2| 327. 2| 6| 2500| 0| 15| 3| 1| 2| 271. 8| 2| 2100| 0| 9| 2| 1| 2. 5| 221. 1| 3| 2300| 1| 18| 1| 0| 1. 5| 266. 6| 4| 2400| 0| 13| 4| 1| 2| 292. 4| 4| 2100| 0| 14| 3| 1| 2| 209| 2| 1700| 0| 8| 4| 1| 1. 5| 270. 8| 6| 2500| 0| 7| 4| 1| 2| 246. 1| 4| 2100| 0| 18| 3| 1| 2| 194. 4| 2| 2300| 0| 11| 3| 0| 2| 281. 3| 3| 2100| 0| 16| 2| 1| 2| 172. 7| 4| 2200| 1| 16| 3| 0| 2| 207. 5| 5| 2300| 1| 21| 4| 0| 2. 5| 198. | 3| 2200| 1| 10| 4| 1| 2| 209. 3| 6| 1900| 1| 15| 4| 1| 2| 252. 3| 4| 2600| 0| 8| 4| 1| 2| 192. 9| 4| 1900| 1| 14| 2| 1| 2. 5| 209. 3| 5| 2100| 0| 20| 5| 0| 1. 5| 345. 3| 8| 2600| 0| 9| 4| 1| 2| 326. 3| 6| 2100| 0| 11| 5| 1| 3| 173. 1| 2| 2200| 1| 21| 5| 1| 1. 5| 187| 2| 1900| 0| 26| 4| 0| 2| 257. 2| 2| 2100| 0| 9| 4| 1| 2| 233| 3| 2200| 0| 14| 3| 1| 1. 5| 180. 4| 2| 2000| 0| 11| 5| 0| 2| 234| 2| 1700| 0| 19| 3| 1| 2| 207. 1| 2| 2000| 0| 11| 5| 1| 2| 247. 7| 5| 2400| 0| 16| 2| 1| 2| 166. 2| 3| 2000| 1| 16| 2| 1| 2| 177. 1| 2| 1900| 0| 10| 5| 1| 2| 182. 7| 4| 2000| 1| 14| 4| 0| 2. | 216| 4| 2300| 0| 19| 2| 0| 2| 312. 1| 6| 2600| 0| 7| 5| 1| 2. 5| 199. 8| 3| 2100| 0| 19| 3| 1| 2| 273. 2| 5| 2200| 0| 16| 2| 1| 3| 206| 3| 2100| 1| 9| 3| 0| 1. 5| 232. 2| 3| 1900| 1| 16| 1| 1| 1. 5| 198. 3| 4| 2100| 1| 19| 1| 1| 1. 5| 205. 1| 3| 2000| 1| 20| 4| 0| 2 | 175. 6| 4| 2300| 1| 24| 4| 1| 2| 307. 8| 3| 2400| 1| 21| 2| 1| 3| 269. 2| 5| 2200| 0| 8| 5| 1| 3| 224. 8| 3| 2200| 0| 17| 1| 1| 2. 5| 171. 6| 3| 2000| 1| 16| 4| 0| 2| 216. 8| 3| 2200| 0| 15| 1| 1| 2| 192. 6| 6| 2200| 1| 14| 1| 0| 2| 236. 4| 5| 2200| 0| 20| 3| 1| 2| 172. 4| 3| 2200| 0| 23| 3| 0| 2| 251. | 3| 1900| 0| 12| 2| 1| 2| 246| 6| 2300| 0| 7| 3| 1| 3| 147. 4| 6| 1700| 1| 12| 1| 0| 2| 176| 4| 2200| 0| 15| 1| 1| 2| 228. 4| 3| 2300| 0| 17| 5| 1| 1. 5| 166. 5| 3| 1600| 1| 19| 3| 0| 2. 5| 189. 4| 4| 2200| 0| 24| 1| 1| 2| 312. 1| 7| 2400| 0| 13| 3| 1| 3| 289. 8| 6| 2000| 0| 21| 3| 1| 3| 269. 9| 5| 2200| 1| 11| 4| 1| 2. 5| 154. 3| 2| 2000| 0| 13| 2| 0| 2| 222. 1| 2| 2100| 0| 9| 5| 1| 2| 209. 7| 5| 2200| 1| 13| 2| 1| 2| 190. 9| 3| 2200| 1| 18| 3| 1| 2| 254. 3| 4| 2500| 1| 15| 3| 1| 2| 207. 5| 3| 2100| 1| 10| 2| 0| 2| 209. 7| 4| 2200| 1| 19| 2| 1| 2| 294| 2| 2100| 0| 13| 2| 1| 2. | 176. 3| 2| 2000| 1| 17| 3| 0| 2| 294. 3| 7| 2400| 0| 8| 4| 1| 2| 224| 3| 1900| 1| 6| 1| 1| 2| 125| 2| 1 900| 0| 18| 4| 0| 1. 5| 236. 8| 4| 2600| 1| 17| 5| 1| 2| 164. 1| 4| 2300| 0| 19| 4| 0| 2| 217. 8| 3| 2500| 0| 12| 3| 0| 2| 192. 2| 2| 2400| 0| 16| 2| 0| 2. 5| 125. 9| 2| 2400| 0| 28| 1| 0| 1. 5| 220. 9| 2| 2300| 1| 12| 1| 1| 2| 294. 5| 6| 2700| 0| 15| 3| 1| 2| 244. 6| 2| 2300| 0| 9| 2| 1| 2. 5| 199| 3| 2500| 1| 18| 1| 0| 1. 5| 240| 4| 2600| 0| 13| 4| 1| 2| 263. 2| 4| 2300| 0| 14| 3| 1| 2| 188. 1| 2| 1900| 0| 8| 4| 1| 1. 5| 243. 7| 6| 2700| 0| 7| 4| 1| 2| 21. 5| 4| 2300| 0| 18| 3| 1| 2| 175| 2| 2500| 0| 11| 3| 0| 2| 253. 2| 3| 2300| 0| 16| 2| 1| 2| 155. 4| 4| 2400| 1| 16| 3| 0| 2| 186. 7| 5| 2500| 1| 21| 4| 0| 2. 5| 179| 3| 2400| 1| 10| 4| 1| 2| 188. 3| 6| 2100| 1| 15| 4| 1| 2| 227. 1| 4| 2900| 0| 8| 4| 1| 2| 173. 6| 4| 2100| 1| 14| 2| 1| 2. 5| 188. 3| 5| 2300| 0| 20| 5| 0| 1. 5| 310. 8| 8| 2900| 0| 9| 4| 1| 2| 293. 7| 6| 2400| 0| 11| 5| 1| 3| 179| 3| 2400| 0| 8| 4| 1| 2| 188. 3| 6| 2100| 1| 14| 2| 1| 2. 5| 227. 1| 4| 2900| 0| 20| 5| 0| 1. 5| 173. 6| 4| 2100| 0| 9| 4| 1| 2| 188. 3| 5 | 2300| 0| 11| 5| 1| 3|

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Discussion question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion question - Essay Example Assuming there are 1 billion writers, is it not possible that there are exactly two the same sentences There have been some records indicating exactly look alike in images, what more with written lines when writing has been here since time immemorial Is not plagiarism a simple commerce hiding behind the facade of protecting the rights of others, while prejudicing the rights of some 3. Excellent grammar is every tyro's dream. And, precisely, perfect grammar is crucial to every written document. However, some schools under-emphasized the study of grammar especially in vocational, technical, or mechanical areas, but, some also over-emphasized the same because of the need to be precise and accurate. For example, in the Law school or in journalism schools where accuracy is necessary. Consistently, to be articulate is also my aspiration and the challenge that drives me on. 4. I am very thorough with my work in life and in school. But, I am not necessarily the first to finish and turn a very accurate work. Nonetheless, I take my time and usually turn in a polished final product. I have done editing which is also called revising. It is centered on surface quality. Some would call it technicality of the written piece. Others would say it is more of corrections on the presentation rather than the content. It is commonly known as enhancement.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Capital Budgeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Capital Budgeting - Essay Example And when we search for scientifically viable definitions of these basic concepts, we discover that a debtor who is illiquid is a debtor who is temporarily unable to pay his or her debts, whereas the insolvent debtor is permanently unable to pay his or her debts. Time is thus an element in the concepts. A problem of invisibility arises with regard to solvency/insolvency because the solvency or insolvency of business enterprises is not apparent in traditional financial statements, even though such state ments claim to give a "true and fair view." Consequently, traditional financial statements are worthless as a means of describing the financial position of business enterprises."(Kirdegaard, 1997, p.39) Using the time value of money approach, the total first class airline tickets bought at $.1,300 less the flier discount of $200 would translated to the following data below. The total tickets from year 1 to year 10 is $2,807,200 as indicated in the above computation. The present value of the $2,807,200 is $1,917,843. This is computed because the company has entered into a ten year contract with the airline company resulting to a flier discount. The difference between the cost and present value is $889,357.04 or thirty two percent (32) of the cost of ten year contract tickets. This is the amount that the company will save if this alternative is chosen(Ross, 1996;p179-206). Year 1 2 3 4 5 Flights per year 50 53 56 59 62 at 4 persons per flight 200 212 224 236 248 First Class $1,100 220,000 233,200 246,400 259,600 272,800 Year 6 7 8 9 10 Flights per year 65 68 71 75 79 at 4 persons per flight 260 272 284 300 316 First Class $1,100 286,000 299,200 312,400 330,000 347,600 Alternative 2 PV factor Cost2,500,000.00Present Value10 payments 14% 250,000 x 5.2161 = 1,304,025.00Present Value 325,000 x 0.2697 (87,652.50) Difference1,195,975.000.48Using the time value of money approach, the present value of the ten year installment payments amounting to $250,000 is $ 1,304,025. Also, the present value of the scrap value when the airplane will lose its flying use and will be sold is $ 87,652.50 which is deducted from the present value of the airplane purchase. The difference between the cost and the present value where the $2,500,000 is paid in ten equal annual installments is $1,195,975. This can

Monday, October 7, 2019

Discussion board 5 - international law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Discussion board 5 - international law - Essay Example There is evidence, however, that the KP has done very little in solving the world’s climate problems. Even though the treaty was negotiated in 1997, energy-related emissions had grown 24%, and that only limited financial resources had been provided by developing countries to assist them in reducing their emissions. Another criticism of the KP is based upon what Liverman (2008) calls â€Å"climate justice† (n.p.). The emissions created by developing countries make up the bulk of the total number of emissions and are more vulnerable in these countries compared to the high emissions in the developed world, especially by the U.S. and by major multinational corporations. Critics of the KP have stated that it unfairly puts the burden on the west to financially rectify global warming, when developing countries are often more to blame. Therefore, the argument that the KP would have been more effective if the U.S. and China would have signed it is weak because even if they had r atified it, there is no evidence that global emissions would have been significantly reduced. Perhaps other protocols should be used, ones that do not penalize the west so heavily and that are more effective in what they seek to accomplish. 2. Laws of war Regardless of one’s opinion regarding the Bush administration’s compliance (or lack of compliance) with the international provisions governing the use of force with respect to retaliation, the use of certain weapons, the treatment of POWs and civilians, and the use of torture, any state that has signed agreements and treaties prohibiting them should adhere to them. If the United States or any other country that is a member of the UN that has signed these treaties violate them in any way, they should be held responsible. Of course, the controversy is if the Bush administration actually did that. Members of the U.S. government, especially in the Bush years, insist that they did not. That is beyond the purview of this as signment. It depends upon one’s perspective and political viewpoints, and it depends on who you ask. The U.S. Supreme Court, in its 2006 Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld ruling, declared that military commissions for trying terrorist suspects violated both U.S. military law and the Geneva Convention (Brooks, 2006). The Bush administration held that Common Article 3 of the Geneva Convention did not apply to Al Qaeda combatants because its protections applied only to conflicts between states. They reasoned that since Al Qaeda was not a state, the Geneva Convention did not apply to them. The Supreme Court disagreed, which potentially made high-ranking Bush administration officials subject to prosecution under the federal War Crimes Act, something that did not materialize. 3. International Convention on the Prevention of the Sea by Oil This convention, also called OILPOL ( and ratified in 1954, was the first of it s kind to prevent the pollution of the sea by oil by tankers. It prohibited the discharge of oil or oil mixture by tankers within prohibited zones. In 1969, amendments were made to OILPOL that created even more stringent requirements for operational discharges. This was done because the design of oil tankers had changed since 1954 to a â€Å"load-on-top system† (Global instruments, n.d.) OILPOL was further amended in 1971 that imposed new standards on the construction of oil tankers. It was superseded by the 1973/78 MARPOL

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Teacher leadership mentoring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Teacher leadership mentoring - Essay Example First and foremost, the best plan for Ms. Thomas is to show that she has authority and control of all the activities carried out in class. She must ensure that all activities conform to the expected conduct of students in the class and supervise all work done even though in groups. It has been observed that some students are often found wandering during learning period which should not be the case. Managing effectively in class has several advantages as this would reduce the burden that seems to be negatively affecting her performance. With regards to student engagement, the best plan is to focus on the role of the student and make it the center of the educational process while she as the teacher would act as a regulator or facilitator that guides the learners throughout the lesson. This can be done through encouraging pupils to participate in class through responding to questions raised or to place the students in groups where they are given tasks to do then asked to give feedback to others. It has been noted that there is less student activity where the teacher is talking throughout the whole lesson with little input from the learners who are supposed to be the beneficiaries of the knowledge they acquire from the teacher. When students work together to accomplish shared learning goals, there would be highly chances that they would master what they discuss in class which is a very good plan for Ms. Thomas to be able to entice the students to participate in class. It is very important for the students to work toge ther in order to share and exchange the ideas with others since they will feel that knowledge can be generated through feedback and communication with others which makes them become more realistic than teaching through the book and focus on homework only. Group work is recommendable since it inculcates a sense of interdependence where the students would discover that the

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Sarbanes Oxley Research Paper Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sarbanes Oxley Paper - Research Proposal Example The investor of equity and money markets were under heavy scrutiny and investor had lost confidence in the accountability and truthfulness of the financial data coming out on daily basis from the public corporations registered in the financial markets such as NYSE and NASDAQ. Congress and the Security and Exchange commission intervened in the situation by creating a new financial regulation called the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002. The Sarbanes Oxley Act purpose was to increase investor confidence by reforming accounting practices to improve accountability, auditor independence, internal controls, and executive responsibility to ensure financial fraud at the executive level of public companies was became punishable by jail time (Aicpa, 2008). This report analyses business compliance, the Sarbanes Oxley Act and its ethical implications. The two congressmen who created the principles and concepts of the Sarbanes-Oxley framework were Paul Sarbanes and Michael Oxley. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act covers multiple issues which are arranged into eleven titles (Soxlaw, 2006). Out of the eleven titles six of them deal with business compliance. The five most influential parts of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 are sections 302, 401, 404, 409 and 502. Section 302 deals with the topic of corporate responsibility of financial reports. The Act mandated a series of new certification concerning newly released financial reports of public corporations. Some of the new certification protocols included the signature of the CEO which this person liable in case of financial fraud, information regarding internal controls, and new auditor reports to ensure there were no untrue statement, material omission and that the reports were presented in fair manner (Soxlaw, 2006). Section 401 of the Sarbanes Oxley Act adds to the credibility of financial statements by enhancing the financial disclosures. One of the key

Friday, October 4, 2019

Business modelling for decision makers Coursework

Business modelling for decision makers - Coursework Example This is dependent on the arrival time of each of the vehicles as well as the wait time that is expected with each one. It was assumed that each of the cars would take an average of 3 minutes in wait time to fill up the tank. The RN1 and RN2 were created with the average time which each vehicle would arrive. Since these were based on the arrival time according to random intervals, this helped to give average times of the main time when each vehicle would arrive. To determine the wait time and the average time at the pump, there was a basis of seeing when the first vehicle would arrive at the pump filling station. It was expected that no other car would be at the filling station at that time. If a car was at the station before the other, then the duration of waiting time was calculated with the outcome being a 3 minute time at the station and the remainder of the time being based on the amount of wait time that each vehicle had to take. This gave an average wait time for each of the ve hicles and provided insight into the vehicles that were seeking fuel at random times. The vehicles which arrived first determined the wait time for the vehicles that arrived later. For instance, if a vehicle arrived 2 minutes after a car before, then it was expected that there would be a wait time before the vehicle would fill up the gas. The advantage of the gas filling station comes with the expectations from the owner, which is that 65% arrive 4-5 minutes after the previous vehicle. This lowers the amount of wait time and allows the vehicle to be free. However, if a vehicle arrives within the 1-3 minute time frame, then there is an expected wait. If this occurs continuously then it is expected that the wait time will increase according to the number of vehicles, time spent at the pump and the wait in which the vehicle had from the previous vehicle that was filling up at the pump. This caused some of the vehicles to wait for up to 9 minutes before having the opportunity to fill up their vehicle. However, this balanced out because of the five minute intervals that were between vehicles which caused some portions of the pump to not service vehicles at a given time. The assumptions made with this particular chart were based on several factors. The first was that it would take an average of 3 minutes for each vehicle to complete what is needed. However, it was also stated that this was the average of all vehicles as stated by the owner. This fluctuation would change the wait time of all vehicles and would alter the results. It was also assumed that the vehicles arrived at the random intervals provided and would have to wait for the previous vehicles to finish filling. However, this would alter according to the speed of the last vehicle and the lining that was taking place with the vehicles. The system used within the gas station would

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Hp External Analysis Essay Example for Free

Hp External Analysis Essay Hewlett Packard External Environment Analysis Hewlett Packard External Environment Analysis In today’s constantly evolving business world, it is essential for organizations to fully master and incorporate strategic management theory into decision making processes. As the world’s largest technology company, HP brings together a portfolio that spans printing, personal computing, software, services, and IT infrastructure to solve customer problems (Hewlett Packard, 2010). HP is well positioned to outperform the market. The strength of HP’s portfolio is leaner cost structure and accelerating market momentum that gives the confidence to raise the full year outlook (Hurd, 2010)†. One of the most important aspects of Hewlett Packard’s strategy building is an analysis of the external business environment that they operate in. As pointed out in the text Strategic Management. Concepts and Cases Competitiveness and Globalization, â€Å"The firm’s understanding of the external environment is matched with knowledge about its internal environment to form its vision, to develop its mission, and to identify and implement actions that result in strategic competitiveness and above-average returns. (Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson, 2009) In this paper, there will be an analysis of Hewlett Packard’s external business environment and its impact on the firm’s strategic business continuity plan, including examination of the three components of the external environment, the general environment, the industry environment, and the competitor environment. External Environmental Analysis Before analyzing Hewlett Packard’s external influences, it is important to highlight the specific processes in an external environmental analysis. This analysis is performed so that firms can correctly identify potential opportunities and threats in their external environment, and involves continually scanning, monitoring, forecasting, and assessing segments of the general environment. Scanning is the process of studying each segment of the general environment to identify upcoming or ongoing changes that can impact the firm. Monitoring refers to observing the changes identified in the scanning process to determine if a particular trend can be singled out which would have significant consequences for the firm. Trend identification is an important aspect of monitoring, as well as recognizing the trend’s effect on the firm’s stakeholders. Forecasting takes the changes and trends that scanning and monitoring produced, and attempts to formulate useful predictions based on those changes and trends. One important factor in forecasting is identifying the time frame and rate of change for trends, so that the firm does not miss an opportunity or get caught off guard by a threat. The final step in external environmental analysis is assessing. The objective of assessing is to determine the timing and significance of the effects of environmental changes and trends on the strategic management of the firm. † (Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson, 2009) The prime focus of assessing is determining the impact of forecasted trends on strategic direction of the firm. Assessing decides if an opportunity or threat requires a change in plans, or the firm to take a new direction. General Environment The first component of the external environment is the general environment. â€Å"The general environment is composed of dimensions in the broader society that influence an industry and the firms within it. (Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson, 2009) These dimensions of broader society are further classified into six categories. The six categories of the general environment are demographic, economic, political and legal, socio-cultural, technological, and global. A large, global firm like Hewlett-Packard will find opportunities and threats in each aspect of the general environment. The demographic category of the general environment includes factors such as population size, age structure, ethnic mix, income distribution, and geographic distribution. Hewlett-Packard’s market position as the world’s largest technology company requires careful consideration of demographic factors. Hewlett-Packard’s strategic continuity is impacted by this factor because it must identify markets with the correct demographic to provide an opportunity to sell its computer products. Markets with an unfavorable income distribution or an older age structure may need to be avoided until more favorable conditions arise. The economic category of the general environment includes factors such as interest rates, gross domestic product, and business savings rates. Hewlett-Packard’s continuity strategy is impacted by economic factors in a similar fashion as it is impacted by demographics. Markets located in a strong economy represent opportunities for the firm. Additionally, developing economies may provide lower interest rates, or favorable business savings rates. Economies in decline can represent a threat to Hewlett-Packard, as expensive computer purchases may not be a consumer’s focus. The political and legal category of the general environment includes factors such as antitrust laws, taxation laws, and labor laws. Hewlett-Packard can face huge opportunities and threats with changes and trends in legislation. Hewlett-Packard produces a wide range of computer products, and if it is challenged by an antitrust law, it could face a very large threat. However, favorable changes in tax law can represent just as large an opportunity for the firm to save money. The socio-cultural category of the general environment includes factors such as workforce diversity, shifts in work and career preferences, and shifts in product and service preferences. Hewlett-Packard’s business continuity is very concerned with monitoring and planning for preference trends in the computer technology industry. Proper assessment and integration of a new product preference can represent an important opportunity, while missing this preference could end up a threat. The technological category of the general environment includes factors such as product innovations, new communications technologies, and government supported research and development expenditures. Obviously this category caries great significance for a computer based firm like Hewlett-Packard. Product innovations can represent an opportunity for strategic continuity if Hewlett-Packard can incorporate them, a threat to strategic continuity if they cannot. New communications technologies can be utilized to assist in streamlining operations, and represent an opportunity to lower long term costs. The final category of the general environment is global. The global category includes factors such as critical global markets, new industrialized countries, and cultural and institutional attributes. Hewlett-Packard is a global firm, and changes or trends in the global markets must be planned for to ensure strategic continuity.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Lean Manufacturing In Automobile Industry Of Pakistan Commerce Essay

Lean Manufacturing In Automobile Industry Of Pakistan Commerce Essay The objective of the lean manufacturing is to reduce the lead time and cost of production. In competitive markets, the issue of lead-time is of great importance, it is the main driving factor for business profitability but people are less aware of the lean manufacturing its importance that can bring drastic improvement in Automobile industry of Pakistan. Lean manufacturing is the production of goods using less of everything compared to mass production. It focuses on less human effort, less manufacturing space, less investment in tools, and less engineering time to develop a new product. Lean manufacturing is a generic process management philosophy derived mostly from the (Toyota Production, 1991) Toyota Production System (TPS) Womack, James P., Jones, Daniel T., and Roos, Daniel (1991). In the simplest form, lean manufacturing means producing goods with less; it applies fewer resources without affecting the quantity or quality of the goods produced. Toyotas purpose in developing the system was the elimination of waste, and TPS is focused on seven sources of it: over-production caused by emphasis on supply rather than demand; wasted motion due to poor processes; waiting time generated by tuning the production system to the fastest rather than the slowest process; conveyance waste caused by poorly designed supply systems that delay the transit of goods; processing waste from badly designed systems; raw material waste from inefficient design or ineffective supply strategies; correction waste caused by reworking badly made products. (Toyota Production, 1991) Toyota Production System (TPS) Womack, James P., Jones, Daniel T., and Roos, Daniel (1991). The results of TPS have included enormous advances in robotic manufacturing systems and factory design, just-in-time inventory management, the kanban system of visual inventory replacement cues, demand-pull management of manufacturing planning and others. But lean manufacturing also has evolved into a business philosophy based on a unique set of practices, and the resulting business culture demonstrates how to use these to create a lean approach to other aspects of business; one area ripe for this lesson is supply chain management. Lean manufacturing is the systematic elimination of waste from all aspects of an organizations operations, where waste is viewed as any use or loss of resources that does not lead directly to creating the product or service a customer wants when they want it. In many industrial processes, such non-value added activity can comprise more than 90 percent of a factorys total activity (Simon Caulkin, 2002). The supply chain permeates every face of the enterprise, and if a lean approach to managing it is to succeed, the entire organization has to focus on removing waste and adding value. As a part of this change it requires everyone to involve for looking beyond the boundaries of the company to relationships with customers and suppliers at all levels. The change in focus is essential, but implementing it can be difficult in todays international supply chain environment. Nevertheless, the principles of lean business are straightforward and can form the foundation for an organizations new approach to its supply chain. (Ventana Research , Europe). First, product value has to be defined from the customers point of view, not the companys. This seemingly simple principle is the key to eliminating waste caused by such things as making the wrong product (one that nobody wants), making the product at an unsuitable quality level, making too much or too little of it, or delivering it too slowly or through the wrong channel. A second principle is that the supply chain should flow continuously, and so should the information that supports it. Delays and discontinuities in the supply chain process are often caused by starting and ending processes or information streams that could smooth things out if they were operated continuously. Product should be pulled by the customer, not pushed by the company. That is, no part of any supply chain process should be started without a complete understanding of the demand destination of the final product that will complete the cycle. Finally, the entire organization needs to continue to manage toward perfection, concentrating on the elimination of waste and the addition of value in all of its supply chain processes. This is a continuous process that starts with the launch of a lean supply chain management strategy and it continues. Purpose:- The main purpose of this thesis is to determine the importance of lean manufacturing and create its awareness amongst the automobile industry of Pakistan, which then can be applied by the whole manufacturing sector of Pakistan to make them more competitive in terms of price as well as in speeding the delivery time. The thesis is to draw together the evidence about the benefits of lean manufacturing in automobile industry of Pakistan. It has been noticed that automobile industry is concerned about the cost delivery time, which are the key success factors for this industry. At present, the whole automobile sector is suffering from losses, which has led many businesses to shutdown. Problem discussion: Pakistans automobile industry is losing its competitiveness in the market due to the intense competition faced from world markets in terms of cost delivery time. Buyers get low quality products which reduces their confidence in Pakistani products. Up till now Pakistan automobile industry has been unable to meet the lead time demanded by highly profitable automobiles and is also unable to fulfill the low price expectations of western markets. Until and unless any initiative to reduce the cost and delivery time of product will not be taken, any improvement in the industry would not take place. In order to bring improvements in this industry, it is important to direct this industrys attention towards lean manufacturing. This thesis has been done to focus in this area to check that why lean manufacturing has not yet been implemented in the automobile industry of Pakistan. De limitation of the study:- There are some limitations of this thesis. The work focuses on Manufacturers and assemblers of Automobiles industry located in Pakistan and which has the sales volume more than 10 million. Due to the limited time only top few Manufacturers are included in the research work, which are Indus Motor Company -Toyota Motor Co Pak Suzuki Motors. Al-Ghazi Tractors Further the work doesnt include interview with supplier customer which requires detail research so it is limited to the organizations internal boundary only. Research Question:- This thesis is an attempt to answer the following question:- Q: What is the knowledge level of production people about the lean manufacturing? Q: Are the production manager of automobile industry aware of lean tools? Q: Are the production manager of automobile industry aware of lean manufacturing benefits? Q: To understand the issues of adoption of lean manufacturing in automobile industry in Pakistan? Implication of the study: The purpose of this thesis is to find how much the management of this industry in Pakistan is aware of lean manufacturing and then highlight the obstacles that exist in its implementation. This thesis also provides the benefits of lean manufacturing to the automobile industry of Pakistan, which is facing troubles in these days due to higher cost of production delay in delivery dates. Hence, this thesis is beneficial for the automobile manufacturers so that they can realize the importance of lean manufacturing and then implement it to gain the competitive advantage in terms of lower costs and on time deliveries. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Lean manufacturing is a technique that allows companies to be more responsive to quickly changing markets and more sophisticated demanding customers. (Dohse, JurgensMalsh,1985,p.118). History of Lean Manufacturing Toyota is often considered one of the most efficient manufacturing companies in the world and the company that sets the standard for best practices in Lean Manufacturing. (James Womack Daniel Roos, 1992). Lean Manufacturing has increasingly been applied by leading manufacturing companies throughout the world, lead by the major automobile manufactures and their equipment suppliers. Lean Manufacturing is becoming an increasingly important topic for manufacturing companies in developed countries as they try to find ways to compete more effectively against competition from developing countrie. Starting about 1910, Ford and his right-hand-man, Charles E. Sorensen, fashioned the first comprehensive Manufacturing Strategy. They took all the elements of a manufacturing system people, machines, tooling, and products and arranged them in a continuous system for manufacturing the Model T automobile. Ford was so incredibly successful he quickly became one of the worlds richest men and put the world on wheels. Ford is considered by many to be the first practitioner of Just in Time and Lean Manufacturing. Beyond large scale production 7 categories of muda or waste:- Overproduction producing more unit than customers are demanding or producing them earlier than customer order them. (Taiichi Ohno, 1988) Waiting people waiting for machine or process; product waiting for people, machines or processes. Transportation moving product from one place to another. Inventory Raw material, work in process (WIP), finished goods in excess of direct customer requirement. Motion: Any movement people or machines that does not actually transform product from one state to another. Over processing Performing operation that are unnecessary. Defect creating or passing along product which contains error in material or processing. Definition of lean manufacturing Lean manufacturing is the systematic elimination of waste from all aspects of an organizations operations, where waste is viewed as any use or loss of resources that does not lead directly to creating the product or service a customer wants when they want it. In many industrial processes, such non-value added activity can comprise more than 90 percent of a factorys total activity. (Simon Caulkin. Waste Not, Want Not, The Observer (September 2002). Many of the concepts in Lean Manufacturing originate from the Toyota Production System (TPS) and have been implemented gradually throughout Toyotas operations beginning in the 1950s. By the 1980s Toyota had increasingly become known for the effectiveness with which it had implemented Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing systems. The brainpower that businesses bring to bear to eliminate wasted assets, materials, and time in production should  equally be deployed to improve the processes of consumption that customers follow. Like their earlier work, this is both a landmark synthesis of ideas whose implications havent been fully understood and a breakthrough to new territory. (Thomas A.Stewart, 2000) Main Kinds of Waste Originally 7- 9 main types of waste were identified as part of the Toyota Production System. However, this list has been modified and expanded by various practitioners of lean manufacturing and generally includes the following: 1. Over-production Over-production is unnecessarily producing more than demanded or producing it too early before it is needed. This increases the risk of obsolescence, increases the risk of producing the wrong thing and increases the possibility of having to sell those items at a discount or discard them as scrap. However, there are some cases when an extra supply of semi-finished or finished products is intentionally maintained, even by lean manufacturers. 2. Defects In addition to physical defects which directly add to the costs of goods sold, this may include errors in paperwork, provision of incorrect information about the product, late delivery, production to incorrect specifications, use of too much raw materials or generation of unnecessary scrap. 3. Inventory Inventory waste means having unnecessarily high levels of raw materials, works-in-progress and finished products. Extra inventory leads to higher inventory financing costs, higher storage costs and higher defect rates. For more on this, please see section 2.5 below. 4. Transportation Transportation includes any movement of materials that does not add any value to the product, such as moving materials between workstations. The idea is that transportation of materials between production stages should aim for the ideal, that the output of one process is immediately used as the input for the next process. Transportation between processing stages results in prolonging production cycle times, the inefficient use of labor and space and can also be a source of minor production stoppages. 5. Waiting Waiting is idle time for workers or machines due to bottlenecks or inefficient production flow on the factory floor. Waiting also includes small delays between processing of units. Waiting results in a significant cost insofar as it increases labor costs and depreciation costs per unit of output. 6. Motion Motion includes any unnecessary physical motions or walking by workers which diverts them from actual processing work. For example, this might include walking around the factory floor to look for a tool, or even unnecessary or difficult physical movements, due to poorly designed ergonomics, which slow down the workers. 7. Correction Correction, or reprocessing, is when something has to be re-done because it wasnt done correctly the first time. This not only results in inefficient use of labor and equipment but the act of re-processing often causes disruptions to the smooth flow of production and therefore generates bottlenecks and stoppages. Also, issues associated with reworking typically consume a significant amount of management time and therefore add to factory overhead costs. 8. Over-processing Over-processing is unintentionally doing more processing work than the customer requires in terms of product quality or features such as polishing or applying finishing on some areas of a product that wont be seen by the customer. 9. Knowledge Disconnection This is when information or knowledge isnt available where or when it is needed. This might include information on correct procedures, specifications, ways to solve problems, etc. Lack of correct information often leads to defects and bottlenecks. For example, unavailability of a mixing formula may potentially suspend the entire process or create defective items due to time-consuming trial-and-error tests. What kinds of companies benefit most from lean? Lean is most widely used in industries that are assembly-oriented or have a high amount of repetitive human processes. These are typically industries for which productivity is highly influenced by the efficiency and attention to detail of the people who are working manually with tools or operating equipment. For these kinds of companies, improved systems can eliminate significant levels of waste or inefficiency. Examples of these companies include wood-processing, garment manufacturing, automobile assembly, electronic assembly and equipment manufacturing. Lean Manufacturing is also appropriate in industries for which it is a strategic priority to shorten the production cycle time to the absolute minimum as a source of competitive advantage for the company. Recently, some companies in Vietnam have actively conducted training and implemented lean methods to eliminate process inefficiencies. This resulted in an improvement to their production and service lead times. For example, Toyota Ben Thanh, a service center of Toyota in Vietnam, has implemented lean methods to significantly reduce the process time for its automobile maintenance service from 240 minutes to 45-50 minutes per car, and as a result, increased the total number of cars processed at each service center from 4-6 cars up to 16 cars per day. Toyota Ben Thanh achieved significant reductions in the process lead time by successfully eliminating unnecessary waiting time, inefficiencies of physical motions and process flow. (Thoi Bao Kinh Te Saigon, 2004) Objectives of Lean Manufacturing Lean Manufacturing, also called Lean Production, is a set of tools and methodologies that aims for the continuous elimination of all waste in the production process. The main benefits of this are lower production costs, increased output and shorter production lead times. More specifically, some of the goals include: 1. Defects and wastage Reduce defects and unnecessary physical wastage, including excess use of raw material inputs, preventable defects, costs associated with reprocessing defective items, and unnecessary product characteristics which are not required by customers. 2. Cycle Times Reduce manufacturing lead times and production cycle times by reducing waiting times between processing stages, as well as process preparation times and product/model conversion times. 3. Inventory levels Minimize inventory levels at all stages of production, particularly works-in-progress between production stages. Lower inventories also mean lower working capital requirements. 4. Labor productivity Improve labor productivity, both by reducing the idle time of workers and ensuring that when workers are working, they are using their effort as productively as possible (including not doing unnecessary tasks or unnecessary motions). 5. Utilization of equipment and space Use equipment and manufacturing space more efficiently by eliminating bottlenecks and maximizing the rate of production though existing equipment, while minimizing machine downtime. 6. Flexibility Have the ability to produce a more flexible range of products with minimum changeover costs and changeover time. 7. Output Insofar as reduced cycle times, increased labor productivity and elimination of bottlenecks and machine downtime can be achieved, companies can generally significantly increased output from their existing facilities. In a 2004 survey by Industry Week Magazine, U.S. companies implementing lean manufacturing reported a median savings of 7% of Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) as a result of implementing lean (George Taninecz, 2004). We believe that the savings actually are higher for companies in Vietnam considering the higher levels of waste which they typically have compared to U.S. based manufacturers. Another way of looking at Lean Manufacturing is that it aims to achieve the same output with less input less time, less space, less human effort, less machinery, less material, less cost. When a U.S. equipment manufacturing company, Lantech, completed the implementation of lean in 1995, they reported the following improvements compared to their batch-based system in 1991: (James P. Womack; Daniel T. Jones, 1996) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Manufacturing space per machine was reduced by 45%; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Defects were reduced by 90% à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Production cycle time was reduced from 16 weeks to 14 hours 5 days; and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Product delivery lead time was reduced from 4-20 weeks to 1-4 weeks. Why Lean Consumption Now? While lean consumption would be a sensible idea in any era, we see several convergent trends that we think make it inevitable and indeed, a competitive necessity now. With the regulated economy steadily contracting, consumers have a broader range of decisions to make, from how to invest retirement funds, to what telecommunications provider to use, to what airline to fly at what price. The mass-producer uses narrowly skilled professionals to design products make by unskilled or semiskilled workers tending expensive, single-purpose machines. These churn out standardized products at high volume. Because the machinery costs so much and is so intolerant of disruption, the mass-producer adds many buffers extra supplies, extra workers, and extra space to assure smooth productionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. The result: The customer gets lower costs but at the expense of variety and by means of work methods that most employees find boring and dispiriting. (Womack, 1990 p 13). While on a tour of a large customer, Michael Dell saw technicians customizing new Dell computers with their companys standard hardware and software. Do you think you guys could do this for me? his host asked. Without missing a beat, Dell replied, Absolutely, wed love to do that.4 Within a couple of weeks, Dell was shipping computers with factory-installed, customer specific hardware and software. What took the customer an hour could be done in the factory in minutes, and furthermore, computers could be shipped directly to end-users rather than making a stop in the corporate IT department. This shortening of the value chain is the essence of lean thinking. Direct from Dell, (Catherine Fredman, 1999) Basic Principles of Lean Add Nothing But Value (Eliminate Waste) The first step in lean thinking is to understand what value is and what activities and resources are absolutely necessary to create that value. Once this is understood, everything else is waste. Since no one wants to consider what they do as waste, the job of determining what value is and what adds value is something that needs to be done at a fairly high level. Lets say you are developing order tracking software. It seems like it would be very important for a customer to know the status of their order, so this would certainly add customer value. But actually, if the order is in house for less than 24 hours, the only order status that is necessary is to inform the customer that the order was received, and then that it has shipped, and let them know the shipping tracking number. Better yet, if the order can be fulfilled by downloading it on the Web, there really isnt any order status necessary at all. To develop breakthroughs with lean thinking, the first step is learning to see waste . If something does not directly add value, it is waste. If there is a way to do without it, it is waste. Taiichi Ohno, the mastermind of the Toyota Production System, identified seven types of manufacturing waste, (2002 Poppendieck.LLC) Do It Right The First Time It is instructive to explore the origins of the slogan Do It Right the First Time. In the 1980s it was very difficult to change a mass-production plant to lean production, because in mass production, workers were not expected to take responsibility for the quality of the product. To change this, the management structure of the plant had to change. Workers respond only when there exists some sense of reciprocal obligation, a sense that management actually values skilled workers, and is willing to delegate responsibility to [them]. The slogan Do It Right the First Time encouraged workers to feel responsible for the products moving down the line, and encourage them to stop the line and troubleshoot problems when and where they occurred. ( Womack ,1990 p 99). A more appropriate translation of such slogans as Zero Defects and Do It Right the First Time would be Test First. In other words, dont code unless you understand what the code is supposed to do and have a way to determine whether the code works. A good knowledge of the domain coupled with short build cycles and automated testing constitute the proper way for software developers to Do It Right the First Time. (2002 Poppendieck.LLC) Center On The People Who Add Value Almost every organization claims its people are important, but if they truly center on those who add value, they would be able to say: The people doing the work are the center of:- Resources Information Process Design Authority Decision Making Authority Organizational Energy In mass-production, tasks are structured so that low skilled or unskilled workers can easily do the repetitive work, but engineers and managers are responsible for production. Workers are not allowed to modify or stop the line, because the focus is to maintain volume. One of the results of mass-production is that unskilled workers have no incentive to volunteer information about problems with the manufacturing line or ways to improve the process. Maladjusted parts get fixed at the end of the line; a poor die or improperly maintained tool is managements problem. Workers are neither trained nor encouraged to worry about such things. The truly lean plant has two key organizational features: It transfers the maximum number of tasks and responsibilities to those workers actually adding value to the car on the line, and it has in place a system for detecting defects that quickly traces every problem, once discovered, to its ultimate cause.9 Similarly in any lean enterprise, the focus is on the people who add value. In lean enterprises, traditional organizational structures give way to new team-oriented organizations which are centered on the flow of value, not on functional expertise. The first experiment Taiichi Ohno undertook in developing lean production was to figure out a way to allow massive, single-purpose stamping machines to stamp out multiple parts. Formerly, it took skilled machinists hours, if not days, to change dies from one part to another. Therefore, mass production plants had many single purpose stamping machines in which the dies were almost never changed. Volume, space, and financing were not available in Japan to support such massive machines, so Ohno set about devising simple methods to change the stamping dies in minutes instead of hours. This would allow many parts of a car to be made on the same line with the same equipment. Since the workers had nothing else to do while the die was being changed, they also did the die changing, and in fact, the stamping room workers were involved in developing the methods of rapid die changeover. Ohno transferred most of the work being done by engineers and managers in mass-production plants to the production workers. He grouped workers in small teams and trained the teams to do their own industrial engineering. Workers were encouraged to stop the line if anything went wrong, (a management job in mass production).Before the line was re-started, the workers were expected to search for the root cause of the problem and resolve it. At first the line was stopped often, which would have been a disaster at a mass production plant. But eventually the line ran with very few problems, because the assembly workers felt responsible to find, expose, and resolve problems as they occurred. Flow Value from Demand The idea of flow is fundamental to lean production. If you do nothing but add value, then you should add the value in as rapid a flow as possible. If this is not the case, then waste builds up in the form of inventory or transportation or extra steps or wasted motion. The idea that flow should be pulled from demand is also fundamental to lean production. Pull means that nothing is done unless and until a downstream process requires it. The effect of pull is that production is not based on forecast; commitment is delayed until demand is present to indicate what the customer really wants. Pulling from demand can be one of the easiest ways to implement lean principles, as LL Bean and Lens Crafters and Dell found out. The idea is to fill each customer order immediately. In mass-production days, filling orders immediately meant building up lots of inventory in anticipation of customer orders. Lean production changes that. The idea is to be able to make the product so fast that it can be m ade to order. True, Dell and Lens Crafters and LL Bean and Toyota have to have some inventory of sub-assemblies waiting to be turned into a finished product at a moments notice. But its amazing how little inventory is necessary, if the process to replenish the inventory is also lean. A truly lean distribution channel only works with a really lean supply chain coupled to very lean manufacturing. In addition to rapid, Just-in-Time information flow, Lean Software Development means rapid, Just-in-Time delivery of value. In manufacturing, the key to achieving rapid delivery is to manufacture in small batches pulled by a customer order. Similarly in software development, the key to rapid delivery is to divide the problem into small batches (increments) pulled by a customer story and customer test. The single most effective mechanism for implementing lean production is adopting Just-in-Time, pull-from-demand flow. Similarly, the single most effective mechanism for implementing Lean Development is delivering increments of real business value in short time-boxes. 2002 Poppendieck.LLC Optimize across Organizations Quite often, the biggest barrier to adopting lean practices is organizational. As products move from one department to another, a big gap often develops, especially if each department has its own set of performance measurements that are unrelated to the performance measurements of neighboring departments. For example, lets say that the performance measurement of a stamping room is machine productivity. This measurement motivates the stamping room to build up mounds of inventory to keep the machines running at top productivity. It does not matter that the inventory has been shown to degrade the overall performance of the organization. As long as the stamping room is measured primarily on machine productivity, it will build inventory. This is what is known as a sub-optimizing measurement, because it creates behavior which creates local optimization at the expense of overall optimization. (2002 Poppendieck.LLC) Lean manufacturing Automobile Industry Lean manufacturing is applicable to almost every industry and it is known that the initiators of this technique is TOYOTA by the name Toyota Production System, than this techniques became generalize and open for all with some modifications and named as Lean. We fully expect that lean manufacturing will give a competitive advantage to this industry. Automobile Industry of Pakistan Pakistan is a rising market for automobiles offers massive business and investment opportunities. The total involvement of Auto industry to GDP in 2007 was 2.8% which was expected to increase up to 5.6% in 5 years. Total gross sales of automobiles in Pakistan were Rs.214 billion in 2006-07 or $2.67 billion. The industry tax accumulated to Rs.63 billion in 2007-08 that the government has imposed on automobiles. There are 500 auto-parts producers in the country that supply parts to original equipment manufacturers. Auto sector presently, contributes 16% to the manufacturing sector which also is projected to increase 25% in the next 7 years, compared to 6.7% during 2001-02. Vehicles manufacturers directly employ over 192,000 people with a entire investment of more than $ 1.5 billion. At present, there are about 82 vehicles assemblers in the industry producing passengers cars, light commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, tractors and 2/3 wheelers. The auto policy is geared up to make an inv estment of $ 4.09 billion in the next five years thus, making a target of half a million cars per annum achievable. Pakistan has the highest number of CNG-powered vehicles in the world with more than 1.55 million cars and passenger buses, constituting 24% of total vehicles in Pakistan with improved fuel efficiency and conforming to the l